Relapse Prevention Treatment in Mission, TX (877) 804-1531

If you've recently moved to the area and are in recovery and want to know what services are available for relapse prevention in Mission, call Mission Alcohol Rehab Centers and speak to a drug and alcohol professional today.

It might be said that a person addicted to drugs or alcohol can't get out of their own way. They know they are drinking or using drugs; they probably have some idea that it's having an effect on them. However, they may have no idea how bad it really is or who else in their life it is affecting. Once a person does finally, and it can take a long time, come to grips with how much negativity is in their life due to their drinking or drug use hopefully they get help through one of the many drug and alcohol programs available in their area.

It's often said that getting sober is the hardest part of drug or alcohol rehab in Mission, but once a person enters the world of sober living they have to be vigilant every day in order to stay there. That's where prevention for addiction comes into play. Drug relapse prevention plans can be life savers for addicts and alcoholics in recovery.

Whether you're an addict or alcoholic who has recently started inpatient rehab in Mission, a family member, or someone who's not sure what recovery will be like after they've stopped using drugs or alcohol, we have programs that can help with relapse prevention in Mission.

If you live in Mission or in the surrounding areas and have questions about relapse prevention for addiction programs, the signs or symptoms to be aware of regarding a loved one in recovery, or the stages of relapses and how they occur, we have drug relapse prevention specialists available at any time with answers.

What is Relapse Prevention?

Drug relapse prevention (including alcohol) is stated most simply as a comprehensive set of tasks or actions that will prevent an addict or alcoholic who is in recovery from using or drinking again. Relapse prevention for addiction is important because although an addict or alcoholic using or drinking again can be a very minor setback where they immediately realize their mistake and quickly go back to not using or drinking, it can also be a catastrophic and even deadly occurrence.

When a person reaches the stage of a relapse where they are actually going to use again their cravings may be so great that they are already out of control and go on a dangerous binge of drinking or using drugs. This can easily lead to an overdose. This is what our relapse prevention in Mission is designed to help avoid.

Relapse Statistics Amongst Addicts and Alcoholics

Even though drug and alcohol addiction may be spoken about as someone having a problem, or a struggle, or an otherwise nicer way of saying they are an addict, it is a chronic disease without a cure.

The rates of relapse for drug and alcohol addiction are very similar to those of other chronic diseases like Type I Diabetes and Asthma. However, in the case of addiction, an individual can take a very proactive role in their drug relapse prevention plan and actions where another disease could flare up no matter how well a person follows their maintenance care.

Warning Signs and Symptoms

There are many warning signs that can signal an addict or alcoholic may be in danger of having a relapse. Sometimes these will become apparent to the people in an addict's support network, like a family member or loved one, before the addict realizes it themselves.

One of the biggest and most common triggers is stress and is a sign or symptom that should be on everyone's radar regarding drug relapse prevention.

Stress can be caused by something as serious as a death in the family or something as simple as a bad day at work. That's what it's important to have a comprehensive plan for relapse prevention for addiction.

Stages of Relapse

Relapse prevention in Mission can help addicts recognize the three stages of relapse -- emotional , mental, and physical relapse -- and what to do in each stage based on their relapse prevention plan they have for themselves. At any stage, it's good to make a call to get using or drinking off of your mind.

At first, in the emotional stage, you might have strong feelings about something, like something that happened at work but not realize you're thinking about using. The main goal is to stay out of the physical stage, where you're in your car driving to somewhere you can buy drugs or alcohol. Call us now for help (877) 804-1531.

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